Palm oil industry
This material was designed to meet the specific wear conditions encountered in the palm oil industry.
Carbides of chrome are used to protect crushing mills against the effects of abrasive plant fibers. The carbides are dispersed extremely finely within the structure, giving this product the elasticity and plasticity to absorb the impacts and shocks that arise during operations.
Recommended applications:
- Components which are exposed to temperatures up to 350°C.
- Moving parts operating in abrasive media which encounter moderately hard objects, e.g. feeder screws in biomass applications.
- Components which serve as impact elements or opposing bodies,
e.g. impactors and blades used in vegetation shredding equipment.

Chromium carbides Cr7C3 2200 HV1
Typical microstructure VAUTID 90
1 Carbide hardness is specified in the [HV] unit (Vickers hardness).