New website for VAUTID AUSTRIA
Time for a change! New responsive design, with improved navigation and an enhanced user interface
When it comes to plant and machinery wear protection, customers place a high value on VAUTID’s extensive experience and our proven quality. And, having been in this field for over 70 years, we take pride in our reputation for reliability.
Now we want to carry that reputation forward, with a market image that conveys the strength of our brand and reflects who we are. As well as refreshing our corporate image, we have redeveloped the layout and content of our website and are now ready to provide VAUTID AUSTRIA´s new website. Accessing information on our products and services is now quicker and easier. Clarity has also been improved.
Three of our product groups – hardfacing welding consumables, composite wear plates and cast products – are now visually differentiated by the use of pictograms. These appear in the “Products” header, to let you know which product group you are viewing at any particular time. This section that contains key details on our products.
Additional information on our range of products and services is available to download in the Media center.